
Leech Therapy

Leech Therapy 1

Leech Therapy, known as Jalaukavacharana in Ayurveda, is a traditional method used for blood purification and treatment of various disorders. This therapy has been practiced for centuries to treat inflammatory conditions, skin disorders, and vascular problems by removing impure blood and toxins from the body. It is particularly effective in balancing the aggravated Pitta and Kapha doshas.

The procedure begins with the selection of medicinal leeches, which are carefully placed on the affected area of the body. These leeches attach themselves to the skin and begin to draw blood, effectively sucking out toxins and impure blood. During the process, the leeches release enzymes that help prevent blood clotting and promote healing. After the therapy, the leeches are safely removed, and the area is cleaned and bandaged. The process typically lasts 30 to 60 minutes.

Therapeutic Benefits
Leech therapy is highly effective for treating a variety of conditions including skin disorders (psoriasis, eczema), varicose veins, arthritis, and non-healing wounds. The therapy improves blood circulation, reduces inflammation, and promotes tissue regeneration. Leech saliva contains bioactive compounds that have anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, and analgesic properties, which contribute to faster healing and detoxification.

Holistic Impact
In addition to physical benefits, leech therapy supports the body’s natural detoxification process, promoting overall health and vitality. It also calms the mind, reducing stress and mental fatigue caused by chronic pain or inflammation.